Sunday, 26 June 2016

Pretty Rubik´s Cube patterns with algorithms

Pretty Rubik´s Cube patterns with algorithms

Are you tired of solving your Rubik´s Cube always the same way or are you looking for a new challenge? Try to reproduce or invent some pretty patterns! In this section I´m going to present some of my favorite Rubik´s Cube patterns algorithms with preview images, like the famous Superflip, the checkerboard, the snake patterns, the cross, the cube in a cube and other nice motives. If you got bored solving the Rubik’s Cube always the same way and want new challenge try to reach one of these patterns without watching the algorithms supplied. 
In case you don´t know what these letters mean you should get started by reading the Rubik´s notation. If you don´t have a Magic Cube go ahead and use the online Rubik´s Cube solver program where you can apply rotations or even solve the cube online.

The Superflip

U R2 F B R B2 R U2 L B2 R U’ D’ R2 F R’ L B2 U2 F2 
The SuperFlip is the “most scrambled” Rubik’s Cube pattern. Every piece is where it’s supposed to be but the edges are oriented wrong. Computer programs need the highest amount of steps (20) to solve this state.

The Checkerboard

Rubik´s checkerboard pattern
F B2 R’ D2 B R U D’ R L’ D’ F’ R2 D F2 B’:
Corner pieces are in place, oriented the correct way, but the edges are shifted to the the adjacent face to form this nice-looking design.

The easy checkerboard

Rubik´s Vertical stripes pattern
M2 E2 S2 
( = U2 D2 F2 B2 L2 R2)

The most simple algorithm, it only takes three double layer moves to make it.


Rubik´s Cube spiral pattern
(R L F B) x 3 – R2 B2 L2 R2 B2 L2


Rubik´s Cube spiral pattern
R L U2 F’ U2 D2 R2 L2 F’ D2 F2 D R2 L2 F2 B2 D B2 L2

Spiral pattern

Rubik´s Cube spiral pattern
L’ B’ D U R U’ R’ D2 R2 D L D’ L’ R’ F U
Looks great on bigger puzzles

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R’ L’ U2 F2 D2 F2 R L B2 U2 B2 U2

Vertical stripes

Rubik´s Vertical stripes pattern
F U F R L2 B D’ R D2 L D’ B R2 L F U F

Opposite corners

Opposite corners Rubik's pattern
R L U2 F2 D2 F2 R L F2 D2 B2 D2


Rubik´s Cross pattern
U F B’ L2 U2 L2 F’ B U2 L2 U

Cross 2

Rubik´s Cross 2 pattern
R2 L’ D F2 R’ D’ R’ L U’ D R D B2 R’ U D2

Twisted cube in the big cube

Rubik´s Twisted cube in the big cube pattern
F L F U’ R U F2 L2 U’ L’ B D’ B’ L2 U

Cube in a cube in a cube…

Rubik´s Cube in a cube in a cube pattern
U’ L’ U’ F’ R2 B’ R F U B2 U B’ L U’ F U R F’


Rubik´s Anaconda pattern
L U B’ U’ R L’ B R’ F B’ D R D’ F’


Rubik´s Python pattern
F2 R’ B’ U R’ L F’ L F’ B D’ R B L2

Black Mamba

Rubik´s Black Mamba pattern
R D L F’ R L’ D R’ U D’ B U’ R’ D’

Green Mamba

Rubik´s Green Mamba pattern
R D R F R’ F’ B D R’ U’ B’ U D2

Four spots

Rubik´s Four spots pattern
F2 B2 U D’ R2 L2 U D’

Six spots

Rubik´s Six spot pattern
U D’ R L’ F B’ U D’
The same with middle layer turns:
E S E’ S’


Rubik´s Twister pattern
F R’ U L F’ L’ F U’ R U L’ U’ L F’


Center-Edge-Corner pattern
U’ R2 L2 F2 B2 U’ R L F B’ U F2 D2 R2 L2 F2 U2 F2 U’ F2


Rubik´s plus with dot pattern
L R F B U’ D’ L’ R’

Henry’s Zig Zag with Checkerboard

Henry's Zig Zag with Checkerboard patterns
R2 L2 F2 B2 U F2 B2 U2 F2 B2 U

Facing Checkerboards

Facing Checkerboards
U2 F2 U2 F2 B2 U2 F2 D2

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